Sunday, September 9, 2012

Blog 3: Interview Preparation

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  Why?
  •  I have scheduled a meeting with the Chief Editor of the Cal Poly Post, Doug Spoon, notifying him that I would need to do an interview before the 17th. He agreed. I mainly chose him because he's is the most accessible professional at the moment. If the interview were due after the 20th (when Cal Poly opens), I may have been able to talk to a past publisher but I'm using what I have right now. Plus, since he is the head editor, I figure he has a lot to say on the subject of writing.
2.  You have to ask 5 questions
  • What do people generally write about in the Cal Poly Post?
  • What do you usually expect from a writer before publishing their piece?
  • Do people generally get paid when their pieces are published?
  • What is your opinion on online articles and newspaper articles? What about Kindles?
  • Any advice for young writers looking to get into the field of literature?

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