Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog 5: Establish your topic

1) Freelance writing

2) Problem in your topic.
Because freelance writers are self-employed, their expenses are great.*

What will you do once you solve the problem?
I will probably look into sponsors, someone who can help overcome the expenses and introduce that concept to a professional?

3) Problem in your topic.
Self-employment, which means keeping track of your own business, finances, and how often you receive an income.

What will you do once you solve the problem?
There are programs that help people organize their finances and such, and other occupations that can support them as well. This will help me as a freelance writer learn the other sides of the occupation?

*My topic is somewhat... Bland with problems. Most of them deal with file tracking and expenses. Plus, I haven't started working with my mentor just yet. I will begin next week.

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