Monday, April 15, 2013

Independent Component 2: Update - 4/15

As my independent component, I've decided to run a blog where I will write as much as I can, whenever I can. As I've read from multiple sources, writing everyday is a good habit to build as a writer because it builds discipline and teaches one to meet certain a word count at a certain deadline. I haven't given myself a certain word count, however, I  take the one-post-a-day rule seriously. I began this blog in February because my other Wordpress blog was becoming cluttered and I was too lazy to organize it.

Still, I enjoy running this blog. People enjoy what I write about.

These are a few stats based on my Wordpress blog:

This graph shows the number of people that have come across my posts and who chose to comment. It may not seem a lot, but compared to my last Wordpress blog, which I've had over a year and has received almost no attention, these numbers are actually quite motivating.

Throughout the day I will receive email alerts from Wordpress that notify me when someone has commented or liked one of my posts. Many people also relate to what I write and share with me their stories.

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